Monday, December 13, 2010

Where Hilarious Happens...

In case you missed it, it appears not everyone likes Baron Davis as much as Nash does.  News broke today that Donald Sterling (the Clippers' God-awful owner!) has taken to taunting Davis during games.  Among the shit Sterling was heard yelling: "Why are you in the game?"  "Why did you take that shot?"  "You're out of shape!"  I've got to say, this is probably the most hilarious un-Delonte-West-related story (here and here) i've heard in a long time.  I guess you really can't snake a snake...


1 comment:

  1. Note, w/r/t the first Delonte West story, that in addition to his guns being in a guitar case, he was also carrying a Bowie knife. I'm unsure the article mentions that...
